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Day 365 of 365


Day 365 of 365

While there, things started to change. If he thought I was doing something he had told me not to, or thought I was flirting with someone he would rage. This included screaming in my face, poking with fingers in my chest, pushing me up against walls


Day 364 of 365


Day 364 of 365

It began with verbal abuse and escalated from there. Eventually he was knocking out my teeth, blackening my face, and even caused me to have a miscarriage when he punched and kicked me in the stomach when we didn’t know I was pregnant. I could hardly say or do anything, as I was too terrified of “messing up” again


Day 363 of 365


Day 363 of 365

The bathroom lock thudded shut and my heart sank. I knew what was going to happen. My mind was screaming out for help as my body was limp and frozen. I told him I was desperate for a wee and that he needed to turn around as I had just come off my period. He laughed and whispered under his breathe that he didn't care. I stood up, holding my knickers so i could pull them up as quickly as possible


Day 362 of 365


Day 362 of 365

One time I borrowed my mother’s makeup, I was 6 and wanted to be pretty like her. When she found me she hit me so badly, I wet myself then she locked me in a cubby closet “to think about what I had done.”
I hadn’t done anything, nothing out of the normal for a child to do


Day 361 of 365


Day 361 of 365

It was great at first until out of nowhere he changed. It went from a typical teenage relationship to no more talking to friends and family, to no makeup, no more going to school, no more living at home with my family, no more wearing my own clothes because they were "too slutty" for his liking


Day 360 of 365


Day 360 of 365

The whole family! We get over there...( cross country from my family) that’s when the abuse starts. First it was a slap here or there. One day he says he blacked out - he choked me to the point of me passing out, with my young child in the room


Day 359 of 365


Day 359 of 365

but I stayed because I found out months after it happened, so I figured what could I do then? Then we broke up, because I wanted to use my car to see my friends, I should have known something was wrong. But we got back together


Day 358 of 365


Day 358 of 365

He then proceeds to pull down my pants and penetrate me anally. I don’t remember much after as I blocked it out for a long time. I remember going to the bathroom afterward and he came in while I was on the toilet telling me that I couldn’t tell anyone


Day 357 of 365


Day 357 of 365

I always told myself I wouldn’t be one of those women who made excuses. He was mentally abusive to extremes. 2 pregnancy losses in the last year of that relationship. On a daily I would be called a Whore, disappointment, everything you could Imagine. Having to send pictures of where I was. Even if I was out for dinner with my parents.


Day 356 of 365


Day 356 of 365

At the beginning he was so nice, full of compliments but I suppose that’s how they feel you in. In the first few months he started with what I thought were “sarcastic jokes” about my looks and weight.


Day 355 of 365


Day 355 of 365

That night I tried to kill myself. I didnt see a point of living. I had no one to tell me it was going to be ok, no one to say that he will get what he deserves. I was in the hospital for about a month


Day 354 of 365


Day 354 of 365

He lashed out at my parents and threatened my family members, they’d noticed and they tried to keep me away from him after that. But he loved me, at least that’s what I thought. He was showing me he loved me..


Day 353 of 365


Day 353 of 365

Young, wild and preciously free, a movie night ended up with me becoming bored. My friend, we'll call her Sam, went to bed early leaving me alone and well, bored. Id had enough, noticed two large bottles of alcohol in the fridge, and decided to phone a couple friends.


Day 352 of 365


Day 352 of 365

I remember one night he sent me a text saying that he really wanted to take me out somewhere nice and that we would have the best night ever. I’m not sure why I changed my mind.


Day 351 of 365


Day 351 of 365

As naive and desperate as I was I just really wanted someone. He just cried and shook his head.. I felt my heart shatter and I told him I was going to go back home. As I was walking towards the door, he grabbed my arm and said “no” and his face turned.


Day 350 of 365


Day 350 of 365

he claimed he loved me. I said no. But no really isn’t enough. And neither is silence. I cried. After, i stopped caring


Day 349 of 365


Day 349 of 365

Because he was the owner’s of the business’ brother, and he had hired me and was the reason I had a job, I didn’t ever tell him to stop


Day 348 of 365


Day 348 of 365

He would push his limits to see what he could do to upset me, he would tell me I can’t have a job so he can spend more time with me, he would guilt me, everything was my fault.


Day 347 of 365


Day 347 of 365

I woke up the next day in a unfamiliar bed, completely naked, and laying next to someone I only knew by name. I’m pretty certain I was still drunk because I felt sick and my head was spinning. I looked into the mirror in the bathroom and my neck was covered in bruises.


Day 346 of 365


Day 346 of 365

I have been a victim of abuse of every type. I was raped by my stepfather from the time I was 5-9yrs old and he began molesting me at age 4. He was sentenced to 20yrs and only spent 3 and a half years in prison
