If you have been a victim of Domestic abuse, cyber abuse, sexual assault, revenge porn or any type of abuse and would like to share your story to help others please see below for details!

The project is called “I broke my silence, 365 days of success”. I will publish one story of survival each day. The goal is to give victims 365 different stories of encouragement for survival. You can use your name or you can remain anonymous, the choice is entirely up to you. I will run this for one year starting March 1, 2018. Submissions should be sent in by January 15, 2018 to stephanie@stephaniemcorrao.com

As a survivor and advocate for victims of domestic abuse, cyber abuse and revenge porn, I have spoken with thousands of woman all over the world. Some escaped, some can’t and some won’t. I am starting this project with the hopes that someone's story will help someone in silence. These survival stories will be featured on my website and media outlets.

All those willing to share their story will be automatically entered into a contest to win a $100 gift card. 

I thank you for helping others, your story will help more than you

Please email your story to stephanie@stephaniemcorrao.com
