Day 265 of 365


Day 265 of 365

After a month of this and silence from him I was allowed out with my friends again. He caught wind and found me. He beat me in front of all my friends and his, no one stood in, I punched him back and made his nose bloody, he took my phone and ran


Day 264 of 365


Day 264 of 365

As well as him sexually and mentally abusing me. He was also physically abusing me. He would push me into walls, onto couches, into door and even into his mum once. The pushes turned into gripping my arm really hard, so hard they left bruises.


Day 263 of 365


Day 263 of 365

He got in the way of those plans, he pushed me against a wall and started kissing me, and I gave no signs or had any intentions of doing anything of the sort so I said no, no, no, numerous times.


Day 262 of 365


Day 262 of 365

I met an older man and thought I had it all, made me feel safe and wanted until one day it changed, he became very possessive and controlling, I suffered shoves, punches, disfigurement on my face


Day 261 of 365


Day 261 of 365

Shortly after moving into this new home and family, my new “dad" started to abuse me. He told me I was stupid, bad and that no one would ever love me. He sexually abused me day after day, night after night.


Day 260 of 365


Day 260 of 365

We were in a car. Were we? My friends had tried to find me but I “wondered off”. They didn’t see me again that night until I fell out of a taxi in front of my house.


Day 259 of 365


Day 259 of 365

He used the foot in the door technique by getting me to agree to small requests that seemed unreasonable to say no to in order to get me to do other things. It didn't matter if I said no anyway, he wouldn't stop regardless of however I protested


Day 258 of 365


Day 258 of 365

I was 14, he was 19. I thought it was true love, he was my boyfriend and my best friend. I was never EVER comfortable with sexual acts in any way. Things got rough at my house and I ended up leaving and living with him and his brother.


Day 257 of 365


Day 257 of 365

He knew exactly what he was doing to me when I had never experienced dating, or love, sex. I thought that everything was normal. Then came the persistence after I said no to certain sexual acts


Day 256 of 365

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Day 256 of 365

I was walking out into the corridor from the toilets in the direction of the smoking area when a guy come out of nowhere and forced his lips on to mine and instantly I had an anxiety attack when I realized what was going on, it took me a minute to register and I instantly got a flashback from when I was a child and immediately started crying

1 Comment

Day 255 of 365


Day 255 of 365

I was just a kid and I didn’t know any better she was older so I thought it was ok, about four or Five months into our second year of dating she got me on the ground and started kicking me and she just wouldn’t stop until I was shaking and sobbing on the floor


Day 254 of 365


Day 254 of 365

He told me he loved me after four days of 'dating'. This didn't seem strange me, I felt like I 'loved' him too. He was the first boy who had ever shown me undivided, absolute, interest, and the fact he was 17 seemed to make me feel like I'd struck the jackpot even more.


Day 253 of 365


Day 253 of 365

When I tried to approach him about it, he told me that "If I really loved him, this should be okay." My 16-year old self believed him. I thought it was love.


Day 252 of 365


Day 252 of 365

He poured a full can of cake on my head, spat in my face and my ear and threw a glass bottle on my head. I tried to get out of the house but each time he dragged me back in strangling me in the process.


Day 251 of 365


Day 251 of 365

My mother called the cops as we walked the mile long drive way we had. It took them an hour to respond to us. My father got locked up and we were moved to a domestic violence shelter.


Day 249 of 365


Day 249 of 365

I was made to believe that I wasn't enough and that I would never be enough. He made me push away my family member, and push away my friends until I had nothing, and then he pulled the rug from under my feet.


Day 248 of 365


Day 248 of 365

I met a man who was pure evil. I was black and blue the entire 6 months I had to be with him. I wasn't allowed to wear anything besides old t-shirts, makeup, and couldn't fix my hair. I wasn't allowed to talk to male waiters or cashiers.


Day 247 of 365


Day 247 of 365

his did not stop his attack, we made our way through kitchen and I was able to push him away and open back door. He yanked me back and I thought he broke my collar bone as I felt a snap


Day 246 of 365


Day 246 of 365

She never believed the abuse he inflicted. I told her the reason I stayed was because he threatened to commit suicide. She set me free. She told me he had been on this path his entire life and he would do it with or without me as the reason
