I was a sophomore in college and had my first serious boyfriend. He was a very social guys but not very popular. We met and started dating immediately. Things seemed ok for some time but in my gut something wasn't right. We came from different faith backgrounds and he would insist I go to his church when visiting his family but when I asked him to go to my church he tried running us into a concrete barrier on a very busy highway. But I stayed. He threw a dresser at me. But I stayed. He made passes at other women. But I stayed. He killed my pet fish. But I stayed. He had me convinced that not only was I a freak and worthless but that he would kill himself if I left him. This went on for two years. I lost weight that I couldn't afford to lose. By the end I was less then 100lbs at 6ft tall I failed classes and lost friends. My parents were so worried but I told them nothing and was 5 hrs. Away from home. Finally his mom intervened. She never believed the abuse he inflicted. I told her the reason I stayed was because he threatened to commit suicide. She set me free. She told me he had been on this path his entire life and he would do it with or without me as the reason. I finally broke up with him. Two years later my parents received a phone call from the police from my college town. My ex's current girlfriend was afraid for my life. This man had told her he planned to kill me and gave details. I had escorts on campus and was terrified to be alone. He stalked me. It has been 15 years and I have a life I wasn't sure I was going to be allowed to live. I still watch my back. I still make sure he lives very far away. I moved back to my home town to feel safe. I will always be aware of him. I will always know where he is but I am finding peace.

