Day 86 of 365


Day 86 of 365

We were sitting on the end of his bed when he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me down into the bed. I tried to fight back but he was bigger and fatter than me by maybe 70 pounds.


Day 85 of 365


Day 85 of 365

I was trying to be strong the whole time but she said one thing that kind of broke me down. She said "alcohol is the number one date rape drug, this is NOT your fault."


Day 84 of 365


Day 84 of 365

You always think it will never be you, you always feel some sort of sympathy towards victims but you can never relate, until the day the unexpected happens.


Day 83 of 365


Day 83 of 365

It was fine in the beginning, then things changed. We kept taking breaks and he would have other relations with so many girls that I was unaware of. Eventually he cheated.


Day 82 of 365


Day 82 of 365

The violence began to escalate, now it would be over little things or nothing at all. He told me I was a worthless whore and no one would ever love me like he did.


Day 81 of 365


Day 81 of 365

The change was gradual, and the abuse started subtly, but eventually it got to a breaking point. I was deprived of sleep whilst studying for exams, berated, accused of theft, my emotions were dismissed and minimized, ill mental health was called an 'excuse',


Day 80 of 365


Day 80 of 365

I was telling myself that other people have gone through worse and that I set myself up for it. I should have fought to get away. I should have just tried harder. The whole experience tore me apart. I didn't want to eat, I slept all the time, didn't talk as much.


Day 79 of 365


Day 79 of 365

We moved in together and soon he started getting angry a lot and shouting. The more it went on, again the worst it got. It got to the point where he was throwing things,


Day 78 of 365


Day 78 of 365

The best thing I did was speak out about this, people will help and understand even if you feel like they aren’t there, they are sometimes people struggle but they care.


Day 77 of 365


Day 77 of 365

I stayed at his house and after that I was there at least 5 days a week, he would make me ring my work and get people to cover for me, GREAT, he wants to spend more time with me! Then we would play fight,


Day 76 of 365


Day 76 of 365

But he’s my boyfriend, he loves me! “This is what girlfriends do! What kind of girlfriend are you?! Do you even love me?? Am I not good enough for you? You know I’m the best you’ll ever get right? Nobody would even love you like I have.”


Day 75 of 365


Day 75 of 365

So I just flat out told him this isn’t working out and we should just remain good friends. Well he went all bat shit crazy saying he was going to kill himself


Day 74 of 365


Day 74 of 365

He was popular, charismatic, extremely smart, and talented and had a huge personality. I was a shy, insecure kid so I felt super lucky to be with him.


Day 73 of 365


Day 73 of 365

That night, a fake Facebook profile of me was created and they added everyone in my town. They posted the photo and it automatically grew shares


Day 72 of 365


Day 72 of 365

He always told me I was too fat and I became very anorexic for 2 years try to please him and live up to his standards. He would constantly cheat on me and then buy me expensive things


Day 70 of 365


Day 70 of 365

He stole my innocence and it makes me sick that he manipulated me and ruined my life I was trying to make down there, he ruined my confidence my innocence my relationship with my family


Day 69 of 365


Day 69 of 365

We grew up doing drugs, drinking alcohol, self-harming and putting ourselves through hell because we couldn't face what HE did to us. To this day a man cannot touch me without causing me to go into a panic attack.


Day 68 of 365


Day 68 of 365

The first year was bliss of course but by the time I was 15 he had isolated me from all my friends (spitting in my best friend's face one day) I was being grabbed/pushed/slapped daily along with verbal abuse as well.


Day 67 of 365


Day 67 of 365

He began stalking me! Sitting outside my hostel for 6-7 hours at a time, 100 phone calls a day, turning up at friends’ houses looking for me!
