I was told it was my fault and I was told I knew what would’ve annoyed him and I was essentially asking to be hit..
I thought it was sweet that he wanted to be with me all the time. I didn't see the stripping away of my self-esteem, my independence, myself as a person until I was in too deep
He isolated me from all my friends and took away every ounce of hope I ever had in life
I see now that he only wanted to move in so quickly so he could have more control over me. Sometime after that, his trust issues began...
He welcomed me with insults for being away from him so long and when I started yelling at him he began to rip all of my family pictures off the wall
I wasn’t allowed to be in the living room during the day because that meant I was cheating...
Well I thought it was just him being stressed out. I was so wrong. The abuse slowly started to get worse...
He then started to tell me things like no one else would love me but him and how I was nothing but a lazy waste of space..
blaming me for little things like “making him angry” he used to drive 3 times the speed limit whilst I was in the car
He started to stalk me, told me he was in love with me, said he didn't understand why I didn't want to be with him
At any moment you see a red flag please walk away, you’re worth so much. Your worth is infinite and beyond.
I couldn't have any guy friends because supposedly no guy would ever be interested in just a friendship with me all they ever wanted was to get in my pants
Every time we argued he would disappear for weeks and give me the silent treatment
He started controlling me, manipulating me, bullying, harassing, humiliating, and then physically hurting me.
I felt trapped. I felt I couldn’t speak or walk into another room. I had to announce when I was going to use the bathroom so he wouldn’t get annoyed that I was moving around too much.
Things switched he would yell and put me down every day. He would control my life and if I didn't listen...
I had come home one night from going food shopping etc. and he didn’t like how I was dressed he beat me for 8 hours straight
My phone was checked rigorously and I was interrogated several times a day.
He would regularly demand to see my phone, ask me who I was with at all times and what I was doing. He bought me a phone and set it up for me (he works in IT) + it seemed a little odd as he would mention things I had not told him. He was obviously in my phone, trying to control my whole life.
When I met my abuser I thought he was everything I had ever dreamed of. He was charming, funny, respectful, protective of me, and got jealous. I thought that jealous was a sign of love