THINGS GET BETTER GUYS I PROMISE. It all gets better, I live on with it and I do hate it but I realize a lot of people go through it. And out of many I'm one that lived and is making it for herself.
that he ripped my clothes including my underwear off of me and inspected every inch of my body while calling me the most foulest things, he was adamant I’d cheated
It would only get worse. He would love me then turn immediately calling me names, being a bully and becoming violent. I didn't even realize what this was turning into
I think about telling my family, about get getting some sort of justice, but who's going to believe the black sheep of the family about something that happened as a child
I thought it was the norm. I wasn’t allowed to speak to boys even if they were in my class or text them, but it deteriorated from there. If I was seen walking with a boy to a lesson or even to the canteen I would receive an explosion of texts attacking me
They would constantly fight, I was so young that they would manipulate me into thinking I was a bad person, and so I thought I deserved all of this, and never told anyone
I felt mentally exhausted, emotionally tormented, and physically betrayed by the person I trusted everything with. That was the lowest point of my life.
Attending social events became filled with anxiety and paranoia of what would come of the event.
Every time I got a backbone and wanted to leave, he'd cry and say "don't leave me, I need you - I do all that to make you jealous so you'll stay." And fucking hey, I fell for it every time.
The beatings got worse. He broke my fingers by stomping on them with his work boots because I hung the phone up as he was walking into the room. He thought I was hiding something
I lost more and more respect for him. I had no family support and didn't wish for my children to be from a broken home so for years I hid his behavior
I was 5 weeks pregnant. He became distant... I would call and text him to see what his thoughts were. I was ignored and told he was disappointed and upset
We were broken up, he wouldn't stop calling me. I asked him to stop and he just kept calling.
When we moved in together she refused to even sleep in the same room, never spent time with me unless it benefitted her...
Almost immediately after we moved in together his agressions started. He was never happy with my hair. He was never happy with my clothes.
He then dragged me back into the bedroom and demanded I make the bed. Reluctantly I did..
He accused me of using him for money and cheating on him, he said I wasn’t allowed to talk to my best friends and ruined my family relationships
By this time I was obsessed, he convinced me to forgive him and made me believe that it was my fault, for not paying him enough attention whilst being stressed
My family was angry with me. Work was suffering. I was locked in a set of vicious cycle. I wanted away but he would threaten to do all sorts of thing
Something drew me back to him. I really wanted to fix him, I loved him. So we stayed together in secret.