Me and this guy was only dating for 3 months. I also had a 19-month-old baby girl as well, who passed away on the 23rd of March 2017.I will get to why in a minute. I split up with my previous partner (my little girls Dad) for reasons. I got into a new relationship with this guy called Reece.
At first, he seemed so lovely and he kept treating me and Ellie and making us both happy and smile. It got into the second month of going out and he started getting so angry if he didn’t have weed or have his own way. He started chucking his phones at me, chucking everything at me, threatening to kill himself and say it would be my fault and made me feel so worthless, by calling me awful names and putting me down constantly.
I was so scared, I put on a brave face. Into the last few weeks of our relationship and before my baby grew her wings, I caught Reece shouting in my daughter’s face because she wouldn’t eat her tea and kept chucking it on the floor. I stepped in at this point and said don’t you dare shout at my baby, she’s not yours she’s mine’. This is when he turned around and stopped shouting at Ellie and got so close to my face (nearly spitting in it) and started calling me an ‘ugly bitch and more names as well. I thought he was going to hit me and I was in tears and shaking. I told him to get out and he said he’s going to jump off the railway bridge and kill himself, and it will be all my fault. He ran out and 15 minutes later I got a phone call. It was Reece saying he was going to end his life and jump in front of a train, but he never did i.e. spend most of these 3 months crying and scared to tell anyone in case anything bad happens to me or Ellie.
On the 23rd of March about just after 9am, I got woken up by a loud knock at the door, so I went to the window in the living room to check who it was, it was my dad. I thought Ellie was still asleep at this point as she loved her lie ins. But I told Reece to go and check on her in her bedroom and wake her up for my dad to see her, while I went downstairs to unlock the door for my dad.
Me and my dad walked up the stairs and Ellie’s bedroom door was closed, I heard nothing. I told my dad to be quiet as I presumed Ellie was still sleeping. my dad wanted to go and see Ellie, so as we were opening her bedroom door and it was all quiet. That's when I knew something was wrong as Reece was knelt beside the bed, tapping Ellie, and telling her to wake up and there was no response. Normally she wakes up and says ‘heya’or ‘mama ‘my Dad asked Reece 3 quick questions. And the last question didn’t sound right. So, my dad pushed me out of Ellie’s bedroom as he didn’t want me to see this. My heart was shattered and torn.
My Dad got on the phone to the paramedics and he told Reece to get Ellie out of the bed and place her onto my bed in my bedroom. My Dad said Reece looked like he was having difficulty getting her out of the bed. My Dad was up and down the corridor on the phone to the paramedics while I walked into my bedroom we’re Ellie laid on the bed and I looked at her beautiful little face. Hats when I noticed something wrong. I looked at her whole body and there was a strap on her ankles that tied both of her ankles together. I screamed and questioned Reece.
The last question I asked him was ‘why did you do it ‘all he has replied was ‘I’m sorry’, and then burst out in tears. Hats when I knew it was him. The paramedics came as my dad was performing CPR on my beautiful daughter. They took Ellie into the ambulance and took Reece and his mate into questioning.
At about 10:30am on the 23rd of March 2017, my whole world broke and shut down. Ellie passed away and grew her angel wings. My heart was empty, my life was a mess. Thoughts was going through my head, such as ‘why Didn’t I tell anyone’ ’why did I allow a monster into mine and Ellie’s Home. I must live with this for the rest of my life. We still have no answers how Ellie passed away, all I can say is from what I saw that morning she was restrained from moving in her own bed it looks like. There’s an ongoing investigation still that’s been going on for all most a year. But I’m just hoping my beautiful princess that should have been a happy and healthy 2-year-old gets the justice she deserves. As she had her whole life ahead of her that some cruel person cut short.
Rest in peace my beautiful baby girl until we meet again❤️❤️